On 12 March 1864, surveyors divide William Neal's land into two parcels. One parcel is the 15 acres he willed to his son Elijah and the remainder parcel is that which will be sold and the proceeds divided amongst the other heirs. The probate document which describes this land division was subsequently recorded on 4 June 1864.
A transcription of this document follows the photograph images.
A transcription of this document follows the photograph images.
[MS page 371]
March 12th, 1864
dec'd, a Tract of Land lying in Boone County Kentucky
on De Hart Run containing 67 acres, 2 Rods, 30 P. as follows.
Elijah Neal's 15 acres ⁄ laid off under the directions
of James Dinsmore, James A. Wilson, and Wesley Rice
commissioners ⁄ Beginning at a Beach Tree and Stone
a corner with Benjamin Pepper and the Wm. Neal
Tract; thence N 80° W 46½ poles to a Stone in the line
between Samuel S. Moore and the Wm. Neal tract;
thence N12¼°E 57 2/3 poles to a stone; thence S80°E 46½ poles to a stone a corner of
the Methodist Meeting House Lot in the line between Benjamin F. Pepper and the
Wm. Neal Tract; thence with said line S12¼°W 57 2/3 poles to the beginning.
of James Dinsmore, James A. Wilson, and Wesley Rice
commissioners ⁄ Beginning at a Beach Tree and Stone
a corner with Benjamin Pepper and the Wm. Neal
Tract; thence N 80° W 46½ poles to a Stone in the line
between Samuel S. Moore and the Wm. Neal tract;
thence N12¼°E 57 2/3 poles to a stone; thence S80°E 46½ poles to a stone a corner of
the Methodist Meeting House Lot in the line between Benjamin F. Pepper and the
Wm. Neal Tract; thence with said line S12¼°W 57 2/3 poles to the beginning.
The portion of the Tract still owned by the aforesaid Heirs, contains 57 A.
2 R. 30 P. _ Beginning at a Sugar Tree and Stone on the bank of the De Hart Run
in James Hasting's line, a corner with Maltby Smith's Heirs; thence up said
Run S61°E 46 poles to a Stake; thence S79½°E 50¼ poles to a stake & Buckeye tree,
a corner with Benj. F. Pepper & the Wm. Neal Tract; thence with their dividing
line S12¼°W 42 poles to a stone, a corner of the Methodist Meeting House Lot, thence
with the line thereof N 80° W 9 poles to a stone; thence S12¼°W 18 poles to a stone, a
corner of said Lot, in a line of Elijah Neal's 15 acres; thence with his line N80°W
37½ poles to a stone; thence S12¼°W 57 2/3 poles to a stone in the line between Sam'l
S. Moore and the William Neal Tract another corner with Elijah Neal, thence
with said line N80°W 47½ poles to a Poplar Beech and Stone in Moore's line a
corner with Philip Cayton & the William Neal Tract; thence N12¼°E 126½ poles
to the beginning.
2 R. 30 P. _ Beginning at a Sugar Tree and Stone on the bank of the De Hart Run
in James Hasting's line, a corner with Maltby Smith's Heirs; thence up said
Run S61°E 46 poles to a Stake; thence S79½°E 50¼ poles to a stake & Buckeye tree,
a corner with Benj. F. Pepper & the Wm. Neal Tract; thence with their dividing
line S12¼°W 42 poles to a stone, a corner of the Methodist Meeting House Lot, thence
with the line thereof N 80° W 9 poles to a stone; thence S12¼°W 18 poles to a stone, a
corner of said Lot, in a line of Elijah Neal's 15 acres; thence with his line N80°W
37½ poles to a stone; thence S12¼°W 57 2/3 poles to a stone in the line between Sam'l
S. Moore and the William Neal Tract another corner with Elijah Neal, thence
with said line N80°W 47½ poles to a Poplar Beech and Stone in Moore's line a
corner with Philip Cayton & the William Neal Tract; thence N12¼°E 126½ poles
to the beginning.
The Meeting House (Methodist) Lot contains one acre, lying in an obling[?]
18 poles long, adjoining Pepper's line, and 9 poles wide along Elijah Neal's
18 poles long, adjoining Pepper's line, and 9 poles wide along Elijah Neal's
Fee $5.00 M.S. Rice S. B. C.
William Neal et al
vs. } On Petfer[?] division of Land
William Neal et al
The undersigned Commissioners appointed by an order of the
Boone County Court at its March Term 1864, to divide the Lands named in
the Petition, Met on the Lands described in the said petition on the 12th
day of March 1864, and after having been first duly sworn faithfully to
discharge the duties assigned by the order; we then proceeded to survey and
examin[e] the said Tract of Land to ascertain its relative value, conveni-
ences and advantages, and having satisfactorily informed Ourselves
in regard to said land, its soil, improvements, timber, location and
other advantages and conveniences, we next proceeded to lay off and
allot to Elijah Neal fifteen (15) acres of said land which we believe
to be of fair average value per acre with the remainder of the tract
named. Said fifteen acres of land off to Elijah Neal is bounded as
follows, to wit:
Beginning at a Beech tree and stone corner with Benja-
min Pepper and the William Tract; thence N 80° W 46½ poles to a
stone in the line between Samuel Moore and the William Neal tract,
the Petition, Met on the Lands described in the said petition on the 12th
day of March 1864, and after having been first duly sworn faithfully to
discharge the duties assigned by the order; we then proceeded to survey and
examin[e] the said Tract of Land to ascertain its relative value, conveni-
ences and advantages, and having satisfactorily informed Ourselves
in regard to said land, its soil, improvements, timber, location and
other advantages and conveniences, we next proceeded to lay off and
allot to Elijah Neal fifteen (15) acres of said land which we believe
to be of fair average value per acre with the remainder of the tract
named. Said fifteen acres of land off to Elijah Neal is bounded as
follows, to wit:
Beginning at a Beech tree and stone corner with Benja-
min Pepper and the William Tract; thence N 80° W 46½ poles to a
stone in the line between Samuel Moore and the William Neal tract,
[MS page 372]
thence N12½°E 57 2/3 poles to a Stone; thence S80°E 46½ poles to a Stone, Corner
of the Methodist Meeting House Lot in the line between Benj. Pepper and
the Wm. Neal tract; thence with said line S12½°W 57 2/3 poles to the beginning
as appears from the report of Moses S. Rice Surveyor. All of which is
respectfully submitted. Wesley Rice }
June 4th 1864 Jas. Dinsmore } Commissioners
James A. Wilson }
of the Methodist Meeting House Lot in the line between Benj. Pepper and
the Wm. Neal tract; thence with said line S12½°W 57 2/3 poles to the beginning
as appears from the report of Moses S. Rice Surveyor. All of which is
respectfully submitted. Wesley Rice }
June 4th 1864 Jas. Dinsmore } Commissioners
James A. Wilson }
Boone County Court
June Term 1864
The foregoing report of the Commissioners appointed to divide the Lands
of William Neal dec'd was this day returned to Court, examined, and
approved, and Ordered to be recorded. Same is duly recorded.
Lewis W. Webb Clerk
June Term 1864
The foregoing report of the Commissioners appointed to divide the Lands
of William Neal dec'd was this day returned to Court, examined, and
approved, and Ordered to be recorded. Same is duly recorded.
Lewis W. Webb Clerk
Boone County, Kentucky. Will Book H:371-372, William Neal land division, 12 March 1864, recorded 4 June 1864; County Clerk, Burlington.
The surveyors used the metes and bounds system which uses stones and trees as reference points. The total of William Neal's land tract was 67 acres, 2 rods, and 30 poles.
The "Methodist Meeting House" may have been the East Bend Methodist church on Lower River Road, about 1500 feet west of the East Bend Baptist church. De Hart Run is a stream that passes through east bend bottoms into the Ohio River.
The "Methodist Meeting House" may have been the East Bend Methodist church on Lower River Road, about 1500 feet west of the East Bend Baptist church. De Hart Run is a stream that passes through east bend bottoms into the Ohio River.
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